Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Illustration Friday: Race

Yay, my second Illustration Friday entry in as many weeks! 

The hardest part about this illo was racking my brain and trying to decide what two animals to team up. I *almost* went with a grizzly and a pig, but the combo didn't seem right. Once I decided on a penguin though, the polar bear was the obvious choice. I guess you could call these guys Team Arctic. :)


lianne leeflang said...

Haha don't we all just love drawing animals with any theme! Great pic though. So happy.

Jedediah said...

Yessss! Go Team Arctic! I'm bettin' on number 12. I presume the Polar bear, of course, lost a little weight before the big race, yes? :P Very nice illo and style.

Cynthia Narcisi said...

That penguin sure seems to be enjoying himself (can't say I blame him!!) Great work and looking forward to seeing more from you!

froggie is... said...

peerrfect, stefan! great action and pov - all we need now are a couple of filet-o-fish waving girl otters, cheering them on! "))

Morph Waffle said...

So, so, adorable, love that penguin!

Jane Massey said...

Love the penguin!

Duncan said...

now that's what I call a team - love it.

Cally Johnson-Isaacs said...

Cool! Great characters :)

Stefan J said...

Thanks, guys! :D

k.h.whitaker said...


Melissa Arandia said...

Go Team Arctic! They're so adorable :)